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Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Will Wii Online Play Suck?

I'm kind of getting the feeling that Wii online play, when finally it's fully implemented properly is going to more than suck. Nintendo seem to be kind of skirting the issue a little, particularly with the upcoming release of Mario Kart Wii, which to the untrained ear, sounds like it perhaps couldn't handle online play and voice chat at the same time.

Nintendo fans seem to be suggesting this is because Nintendo are trying to protect young fans from verbal abuse, but that doesn't wash with me because if that's the case we'll never have full voice chat in games unless they're rated 18 (a rarity on Nintendo platforms) and as far as I'm aware Mario Kart Wii utilizes friend codes (annoying ones like on the DS), so it's not like you can play with random strangers anyway.

It doesn't sound good to me at all, I'm worried for Wii online play.

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