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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dual Shock 3 - Aussie gamers 'Shocked' alright

Australian gamers should take up their banners, their protest signs and start marching on these huge companies that think we're bloody stupid. With news last week that Rock Band is likely to cost double here by comparison to the US price, news today that the Dual Shock 3 for PS3 is also going to cost you double what your US pals are paying for the same thing.

Let's put that into perspective. The Dual Shock 2 cost around $50 to purchase here in Australia, the Dual Shock 3 will set you back a whopping $100! If you've got money to burn it will be out April 24. It will cost you around $50 from the US, if you can find a friend kind enough to post it to you.

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