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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

SEGA Bass Fishing in Aussie Stores

Where? It was supposed to be out last Thursday but all the stores I went into had no idea what happened to it (that's 4 different gaming outlets). One guy in GAME made an absolute ass of himself with his release date knowledge by stating SEGA Bass Fishing and House of the Dead 2&3 had been halted with no idea of a release date. Problem being I had just bought House of the Dead 2&3 in a different store moments earlier, so I pulled it out of the bag to show him and his response was "interesting".. that's what he said, then promptly ignored me like the conversation about SEGA Bass Fishing never happened.

Why do gaming stores sometimes lie rather than just telling you the delivery was delayed or whatever? Maybe this guy just didn't know. The guy in EB told me SEGA Bass Fishing would be out on the Friday... that being last Friday and it wasn't.

I'm hoping this Thursday coming so I can relive some Dreamcast fun. I think I'll try GameTraders as they seem to know what they're talking about at least. Shame it's so far away!

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