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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Morgan Webb rags on gamer guy - Why it hurts all of us.

Morgan Webb as you my know is known as 'The Gaming Goddess'. She gained this title because she's a gamer (or said she was) and worked on Tech TV (G4 now) where she went on to host The Screen Savers and of course X-Play. She also had a monthly column at lads mag FHM where she unsurprisingly wrote about video games.

Here's the thing, Webb was recently spotted on the Tyra Banks show 'Tyra' as an expert on video games and she proceeded to make it sound as though only guys play them and that they're psychologically trying to live a sad little life through them. Now this kind of annoyed us here at Girl Gamer Australia because she probably should have been a bit more pro gamer and also pointed out that girls do play and enjoy gaming too.

You can watch the video below:

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