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Friday, April 18, 2008

Animal Crossing Wii release date now please!

Not that we're impatient here at Girl Gamers, but we want a release date for Animal Crossing Wii please, this has gone on long enough people. We've been doing a little snooping and have come up with some Animal Crossing Wii facts (if anything in gaming is a fact until the game is released).

The announcement of the new DS liter than Lite at E3 this year... said to be utter bollocks by Nintendo and isn't going to happen. Thing is if Nintendo don't announce something pretty big it's going to be a letdown. So let's assume Nintendo denying the existence of a new DS is true (though they said the DS Lite didn't exist prior to its official announcement so go figure), they need to pull something out of the hat.

Recently the Japanese Club Nintendo calender was sent out and what was the image for December? Animal Crossing, so will it be out at Xmas this year? Probably completely unrelated, but our fingers are crossed. We want a release date for Animal Crossing Wii and we wants it soon!

Seriously Nintendo were banging on about this when the Wii was still known as the Revolution! Back in 2006 it was said you'd be able to send letters to Animal Crossing Wii from your PC or cellphone and the characters in game would receive them (thanks to the magic of WiiConnet24). Come on that was 2006!!!

Wher the hell is Animal Crossing Wii? At what stage is it at and when are we likely to see it. We're sick of waiting and we bet you probably are too.

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