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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Moon for Nintendo DS

Nintendo DS isn't generally renowned for hard hitting, adult theme, psychological gaming, but developer Renegade Kid seem to think it's the perfect platform. They previously made Dementium the Ward for the DS, a title that gained an 'M' rating. Now Renegade Kid are back with another outing on DS, this one titled 'Moon'.

Moon previously had the working title 'Project M' and is a sci-fi, action-adventure on DS. Moon places gamers on the cold lunar surface in the year 2058. Researchers are shocked to find a sealed, alien hatch during construction of a new lunar base, but it’s a shock that soon pales in comparison to what they find beyond the hatch. Sounds a little like LOST, damn those hatches. Moon has no release dates as yet, but we'll let you know when they hit.

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