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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Heavy Rain by Quantic Dream

Heavy Rain is a title we're looking forward to here at Girl Gamers Oz because we loved Fahrenheit (aka Indogi Prophecy) which was also made by Quantic Dream. A few new details slipped out about Heavy Rain recently, so we thought we'd share them with you.

Like Fahrenheit before it, Heavy Rain will focus on moral choices, but choices that will blur what may be bad or good. The story will focus on four characters:

"Heavy Rain is about normal people that have landed in extraordinary situations. I wanted a much more personal story. The first thing that came to my mind, as a father of two little boys, was that the main theme should simply be a father's love for his son. This is not a game about saving the princess or the world. It's purely about a father's love."

Fahrenheit was awesome at the in depth emotional connection between gamer and game, here's hoping Heavy rain has some of that same magic and perhaps someone with Carla Valenti's style.

On the off chance you missed it, here's some tech demo footage of Heavy Rain.