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Monday, March 10, 2008

Mass Effect sexuality in games on MTV

The multiplayer blog over at MTV has an interesting little interview with Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk from BioWare and they pretty much cover just why they think sexuality / romantic relationships are important in games. Needless to say it comes down to common sense, these things are part of life, so why shouldn’t they appear in mature story led games.

Sadly some of you may not be able to see the video (Canada, UK and Japan), but the upshot of it is that games are an art form, just as books, TV and film are. All of which at some point suffered disapproving looks and ‘inappropriate’ commentary.

Oh and they also say the word ‘appropriate’ a whole lot, like maybe the guy doth protest too much. That said they do make a great point with the suggestion it’s better to actually connect to a character than have it just be there for titillation.

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