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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Penny Arcade Adventures Xbox 360

Discover the mysteries of New Arcadia with Gabe and Tycho in “Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One,” available on Xbox LIVE Arcade today (21st May, 2008 at 09.00).

The first episodic RPG-Adventure game to grace Xbox LIVE Arcade, “Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One” is the result of a collaboration between Hothead Games and Penny Arcade. The first episode sends players to a deranged 1920s comic-book-meets-pulp-horror universe called New Arcadia. Armed with unconventional weaponry, players join forces with Gabe and Tycho of the Startling Developments Detective Agency to make war on bizarre enemies and solve the mysteries hidden deep in the sinister heart of New Arcadia.

“Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One” offers players the ability to design their own customisable character, a dynamic turn-based combat system and the ability to transfer your customised character’s stats and inventories to future episodes, or start fresh with each episode. Fans of Penny Arcade will appreciate the authenticity of the game, which features distinctive artwork and characters designed by Mike “Gabe” Krahulik and a story and dialogue written by Jerry “Tycho” Holkins.

Where can I get this game from?
Developed by Hothead Games, “Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One” will be available for 1600 Microsoft

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